Rote learn times tables with TIMES TABLES GAMES!
Rote learn anatomy with ANATOMY GAMES! The way to rote learn something is to repeat it over and over, and the best way to repeat something over and over is by playing a game. People learn in different ways - through hearing, seeing, experiencing, or doing things. An individual might be predominantly an auditory learner, a visual learner, or a kinesthetic learner; or they may require information to be presented in a combination of methods. So don't just read the questions. SAY the questions out LOUD if you are an auditory learner. Jiggle on an exercise ball or twist on an office chair while you do the questions if you are a kinesthetic learner. Do whatever YOU need to do to get the information into YOUR head! Use RoteLearnIt Times Tables Games to practice your times tables. Use RoteLearnIt Anatomy Games to practice your anatomy. The Anatomy Images are a great reference resource to verify the position of an anatomical feature. Print off Unlabelled Images to color in or to make practice tests. Times Tables Games! Anatomy Games! Play the games until you are 100% Brilliant! or make 100% Professor! level! You will then be well on your way to knowing what you need to know! |